Magsoft Corporation


WAVE2D is a finite element based electromagnetics program which is capable of handling a large class of electromagnetic wave problems in two dimensions. WAVE2D was developed at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to study high power microwave devices. However, the applications have grown to the point that WAVE2D is now a general tool used to study waveguides, cavities, antennas, scattering and dielectric heating. Since the method is based on the use of finite elements, arbitrary geometries can be easily studied. WAVE2D comes with a commercial preprocessor which allows easy input of the geometry and automatic mesh generation. WAVE2D was designed with open boundary problems in mind. Three open boundary formulations are included: the hybrid boundary element - finte element method, the Endquist-Madja absorbing boundary condition, and the Bayliss-Turkel absorbing boundary condition.

Contact Information

If you would like more information about Wave2D please contact Philippe Wendling at Magsoft.

Representaives Business Card

Magsoft Corporation
1223 Peoples Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: (518) 271-1352
Fax: (518) 276-6380